Welcome to our Indinese Global
Indinese GlobalIndinese GlobalIndinese Global
+91 9821664557
Asaf Ali Road, Delhi-110002
Indinese GlobalIndinese GlobalIndinese Global


Global Sourcing

We provide professional end to end sourcing solution to suit your best cost country(BCC) sourcing strategy. We locate, develop add supply custom made parts as per your specification in STEEL, TUBES, CASTING, FORGING, MACHINED, RUBBER & PLASTIC categories. We have associated with more than 500 suppliers in India and China

Cost Reduction

We provide strategic cost reduction through strategic sourcing program & supply chain re-engineering. We work with you till you realise your desired cost rediction. We drive supply chain cost reduction through alternate sourcing, material optimisation. VA/VE proposal and category management. We train your people and build capability for sustainable result.

Supplier Audit & Inspection

We conduct supplier audit for quality, system, capability, capacity & due diligence. We help you in final inspection of your consignment or stage inspection of your products. We act as your eyes and ears in local market and provide all technical and coordination jobs seamlessly.

Supplier Development

We work with your supplier base to optimise and develop on Quality. Delivery and Cost metrics. We provide necessary training and hand-holding for sustainable result. We have experience in wide supplier base in Tier 1 and Tier 2 industries from India and China.

NPD / PPAP Launch

Our inhouse technical team will launch your NPD program right from concept stage to PPAP batch. We help organization to develop and product ionize their new part developments working very closely with your internal and supplier team. Our expertise in manufacturing process. APQP, PPAP and SPC techniques will make your NPD programs flawless.

Pricing / Benchmarking

We track, analyse and maintain global price trends of various raw materials and input materials. Our live database for ” Steel price” is handy tool for multiple product development companies. We forecast and provide price outlook for various raw material and finish product.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)

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